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Monday, June 11, 2007 |
The 'A,B,C's of Picking Up Dumb Chicks (redux)
HEY HEARTUN: I am new and have no money and my skin is ugly and my hair is ugly and my clothing is lame and I don't have no land and I don't get any women. Help me. ~ WANTIN SOME
DEAR WANTIN: The good news is that there is someone for everyone in Second Life. The bad news is, the woman you want may not be the woman who will settle for you. I can't fix you. I can, however, get you started on a road of fixing your self. Lets start with the easy stuff. Go to a Welcome Area, like in Ahern or Waterhead, and ask the people there (just once, or you are an annoying begger) if they have any freebies -- especially clothing, hair and a man skin. There are some nice male freebie skins, but you may have to ask around. That's it for the easy stuff. Next up, you jumble all your thoughts into one long stream. Dont do that. It confuses stupid women and is a turn off to the non-stupid. You need to target stupid women. To do that it only takes two things. First, don't ever say anything that Tarzan couldn't say. Second, for every question or statement you make about yourself you should ask or make two about her. Here's an example.
Wantin Some: Hi. You look good. Dumb Girl: Me? Wantin Some: Yeah. :D Dumb Girl: TY :) Wantin Some: V^vv^V Howlzzzzz V^vv^V (uncomfortable pause) Wantin Some: You smell good too. Dumb Girl: Oh! You are so clever. Can I be your sub? Wantin Some: Call Me Master. Dumb Girl: Yes Master!
Labels: Dom(me)/sub, finding a lover |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 9:35 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007 |
I Am Not An Animal (I Just Want To F**k Them)
 HEY HEARTUN~ I heard that Second Life had a lot of fetish groups, that's why I joined. In the real world I am into beasteality, (sic) but I would like a more socially acceptable outlet for my proclivity. I've tried joining in with some 'Furries' but they all seem to reject me because my avatar looks like I really do, human.
They all seem to want me to put on a Furry suit, but that's not my thing. Where do I find animals in Second Life who want to play animals... and play with me as I am? ~ BEAST RIDER
DEAR BEAST RIDER~ It is true that the majority of Furries out there want to engage in a fantasy of both being animalistic and being WITH an animalistic avatar played by someone with a similar interest. But I don't think you are correct in your early conclusion that Furries won't take you as you are. Be polite. Perhaps mention your particular interest in your biography in as PG terms as possible. And be patient.
On a personal note, I hope you find what you are looking for in Second Life because it just turns my stomach thinking of you playing out your fantasy elsewhere. I'm not particularly judgmental about fetishes, but I do not condone any that don't have full consent by all parties, and animals in real life cannot consent. Fortunately, the ones in SL can (assuming that Linden Lab keeps out the underaged, as they should.) ~ HEARTUN BREAKERLabels: finding a lover, Furry |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 7:04 AM
Sunday, June 3, 2007 |
Mixed Metaphores
HEY HEARTUN~ I am a gay male furry, but I had to hide out from some drama that erupted around my primary account so I made an Alt. Just to hang out where no one knew me I started going to (a Gorean sim) and I met (name withheld) who is a kajira.
 At first I was just hanging out with her, and using her as cover, but she showed me a side of herself that I don't think she meant to... I think she is really a guy too. The thing is, I don't know if "she" is gay or not and I think that what we have is really special. How do I sort all this out? ~ HOT DOG
-- DEAR HOT DOG ~ Normally I would say that honesty is the best policy, but you've passed that one a long time ago. Besides, do you really want to hook up with this person in real life? I mean, you don't indicate that you do... and you seem happy with both fantasies that you are playing out: the game one and the one in your head.
If you need to convince yourself that a nice submissive Gorean girl is really a guy in kajira's clothing to get your 'happy fun time' on -- why let reality interfere with that? And if it is a guy behind those veils, who is to say that he/she wants you to be a gay furry?
I say enjoy that ride until it crashes to the ground in a messy heap, just don't do anything to derail it prematurely. ~ HEARTUN BREAKER
If you have a question for "Get A Life" just email HeartunBreaker@gmail.com . All submissions become the property of HeartunBreaker.com . We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity and clarity. No 'real' or 'game' names will be published. No part of this service may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Heartun Breaker, except that an individual may download and/or forward articles via e-mail to a reasonable number of recipients for personal, non-commercial purposes. Labels: Furry, gender bending, Gor |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 8:43 PM
HeartunBreaker [dot] com
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