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Sunday, August 12, 2007 |
Parlez Vous a '^^Vv^Hooooowwwwllllzzz^vV^^?'
HEY HEARTUN: (Note: This question came in Spanish and was translated by Altavista Babelfish) I played the Second Life by two days and does not speak English good. I am Hairy. I play the Fox. How do I solve chickens hot you? ~ CHILI CON FURRY
DEAR CHILI: No speak-ah da English? No problemo! You can 'solve' those hot chicks in your new Fox avatar by saying as little as possible. Learn and use emoticons like :D, :P and ( * ) ( * ) and those pleasantly plush pullets will be pecking at your pelt! And be sure to say "Yif" and "Yaffle" a lot as well as get that ^^Vv^ Hoooowlzzz ^vV^^ gesture from some other Furry so you can spam the hell out of Second Life all the time. Furry females love that. It'll be months before they realize you don't speak English.Labels: Furry |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 8:05 PM
HeartunBreaker [dot] com
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