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Wednesday, August 8, 2007 |
Girl Teaches Boy New Trick - Then Feels Disgusted
HEY HEARTUN~ I love my boyfriend, and sex with him was great from the start. One day while we were drunk I stupidly asked him if I could borrow his PlaySexy Cock. Well, now he likes me to strap on his cock and fuck him up the ass all the time. Freaks me out! Is he gay? ~ PANDORA'S BOX
DEAR PANDORA ~ No, he's not gay. He just likes it when you strap on his cock and fuck him up the ass. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem here is that while the action may have been fun and games once, or once in a while, it appears to be a kink meal you served him that he wants a steady diet of -- and its not to your taste. Let him know that you don't want to do that all the time. Tell him that you'd like to get fucked with that cock once in a while too. Be careful, because he obviously likes having you shove his cock up his ass -- and since he's straight he know's its freaky. Don't show your intolerance or you'll embarras him. Then again, if you really can't stand playing the transexual once in a while break this relationship off a.s.a.p. While his appetite may ebb and flow with time, if you ain't fucking him up the ass once in a while he will eventually find someone who will. ~HEARTUN BREAKERLabels: gender bending |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 5:26 PM
Just using a strapon does not make a girl Transgender yet. It is the same as that the preference of getting it up the Ass does not make males gay :) --[Deeta Baroque, Androgyne Tgirl]
Deeta, Point well made, and taken. Good catch.
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Just using a strapon does not make a girl Transgender yet. It is the same as that the preference of getting it up the Ass does not make males gay :)
--[Deeta Baroque, Androgyne Tgirl]