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Monday, November 12, 2007 |
Darth: "Luke, I am your father" Luke: "Wow, that's almost as freaky as this one guy I heard about!"
Hey Heartun~ I am a male in RL who came to SL just to have fun. Minutes into playing, i decided to throw away my male av and make a female one. i've always been more in tune with my feelings, not gay, or even metrosexual, just more in tune. in short, i wanted ppl to see me for who i was inside. i SWRP (star wars role play) and while playing, i met THE most wonderful person, another female av, and we got to know each other, and fell in love.
i was so in love, i knew i had to tell her, even with the fear that she might not want me. i finally worked up the courage, and when i told her, she revealed to me that she also is a male in RL. i've got to tell you, this hit me like a brick wall. but, it took me only moments to realize that i loved her before, i could love him now. as i said before, i've never seen myself as gay, i've never so much as thought of myself as bi-curious. it is only recently that i have come to look at myself as bi, through the help of a friend who has taught me to accept myself for what i am, although i could never, ever see myself with a guy other than this one. we still have female av's, and continue living as lesbians, we're even engaged in SL. i'm just not sure what i should do. i mean, when we first told each other, we thought we'd just keep it in SL, but i have come to realize, that i love her/him so much.
i guess that i really am bi. umm... help? ~Confuzzled
Dear Confuzzled~ Sounds like you've got a good handle on the situation. I don't see what the problem is. Have fun.Labels: finding a lover, gender bending, lesbians |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 3:45 PM
HeartunBreaker [dot] com
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