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Thursday, December 21, 2006 |
'Scarfing' Furry Fears For Lover
HEY HEARTUN~ My boyfriend and I are gay furries, but I'm not going to say what kind of animals we are cause I don't want people to know who we are. But I'm worried. My boyfriend and I are also into scarfing. The last time we were fucking, a week ago, his avie went 'Away' and he stopped typing and he eventually logged off.
I'm afraid that he died. I have emailed him and AIM'd him and he hasn't responded. What do I do? ~SCARFING FURRY
DEAR SCARFING~ I've gotten several emails from people who worry their lover or friend may be dead because they don't log on any more, and in most cases I expect that their lover just moved on. But auto erotic asphyxiation, or 'scarfing,' is a different story. It is very deadly.
 I understand that cutting off the supply of oxygen to the brain at the time of orgasm can intensify that orgasm. I'm told it does this because as the brain approaches asphyxia it kicks out more endorphins. Some people put a plastic bag over their head, others self-strangulate manually, and many us a ligature -- a scarf -- to cut off the blood flow at the neck.
Dear Scarfing, I really wish I could tell you that your lover just got busy or ditched you. I wish I could tell you what to do to find out if they're ok. In your case, there's a good reason to believe that your lover may have died... and worse, you may have witnessed it, in a Second Life way.
But Scarfing, and this pains me to say this, I don't know what to tell you. I'm going to turn this one over to my readers, and ask that they post their advice in the 'comment' section of this site. Perhaps they have an idea you can find useful. Meanwhile, you have my sympathy. ~HEARTUN BREAKER
If you have a question for "Get a Life" just email HeartunBreaker@gmail.com. All submissions become the property of HeartunBreaker.com. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity and clarity. No 'real' or 'game' names will be published. No part of this service may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Heartun Breaker, except that an individual may download and/ or forward articles via e-mail to a reasonable number of recipients for personal, non-commercial purposes.Labels: Furry, masturbation, real life conflicts |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 10:26 PM
Y' fucking gits all needa die mate. Gawddam gay furries and gorians should all off t'selfs.
1. This is why if you have a long-standing online relationship, with actual feelings, (which I admit is rare, it does happen) then you should have real life contact information, especially if one or both of you are into scarfing. That way, when something like this happens, you can at least call, or get in tough with a local friend or neighbor to check up on your lover. I hope he's okay. Take care.
2. Someone needs to rape and kill Biffa Bacon.
Wha the fuck y'gonna do aborit y'daft twat? Diwin talk ya shite or simmit hoof ya in tha knakaaz!
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Y' fucking gits all needa die mate. Gawddam gay furries and gorians should all off t'selfs.