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Sunday, December 17, 2006 |
AgePlay Slut Asks, "Where Da Tweeners At?"
HEY HEARTUN~ As a 43 year old woman who came to Second Life to explore AgePlay as the slutty kid I wasn't in real life, I am perplexed by the LACK of people into this kind of scenario... I'd have expected dozens of people exploring this kind of fantasy. Do you think SL AgePlayers are self-censoring? ~ SLUTKID ALONE
DEAR SLUTKID~ I asked a forum of AgePlayers if they self-censored and met with laughter and comments like “that's a stupid question,” “isn't it obvious?” and “we are an oppressed peoples, about as hated as Furries.” What kind of self-censoring? For starters many AgePlayers routinely change their avatars from the one they prefer to a 'safer' (read 'older') one when they leave AgePlay-specific sims. They also swap out that title “Daddy” or “Baby Doll” for something unrelated to their true SL identity. Simple griefing? I am told it goes far beyond that.
“With the televised witch hunts of real predators... even though we are adults and play with adults, and are protected by the TOS (SL Terms of Service) we are constantly questioned by 'Holy Rollers' who want to play moral police,” said one AgePlayer who requested anonymity to avoid being singled out for griefing. “They ask things like 'What if one of you was a real kid?' but that's stupid. I've seen underage kids sneaking on the grid and none of them use a 'kid' avatar. They're all seven foot tall, muscled men with lots of guns or bimbos with huge boobies and they crawl the 'free sex' areas or just hang out in some normal sim.”
The AgePlayers I spoke to concede that it is possible, however unlikely, that a child could impersonate a legitimate AgePlayer (see "Age Play Fun and Games Turns Ugly" Get A Life, Dec. 13, 2006) but they insist that the vast majority of all AgePlayers would do what any adult would and should do once the age of their lover is discovered. And they are quick to add that they believe this scenario happens most often amongs non-AgePlayers.
“Most of the AgePlay community has zero tolerance for actual underage people playing,” said another AgePlayer who asked for his name to be omitted for fear of griefing. “A real life child posing as an AgePlayer would be reported (to the Lindens). And lets not forget that real life parents do have some responsibility to keep up with what their kids do on the household computer. Second Life is not meant for kids. Well, real kids anyway.”
So, Dear Slutkid, the answer to your complicated question is that AgePlayers do try to keep a very low profile. But the AgePlayers I talked with had many encouraging words for you regarding the prospects of your finding a compatible partner who likes the kind of role play you like. In that pursuit, like any relationship, you just have to keep looking until the right person comes along. ~ HEARTUN BREAKER
If you have a question for "Get a Life" just email HeartunBreaker@gmail.com. All submissions become the property of HeartunBreaker.com. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity and clarity. No 'real' or 'game' names will be published. No part of this service may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Heartun Breaker, except that an individual may download and/ or forward articles via e-mail to a reasonable number of recipients for personal, non-commercial purposes. Labels: ageplay |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 5:37 PM
Excellent column Heartun :) im posting to show love to Heartun Breaker. Beautiful lady in real life and Second Life. I promise to read your column regularly and come visit us in Ahern often please.
AgePlay is just another word for 'pedofile.'
I can't believe you are encouraging those pervs, Heartun!
Fucking hell Brinkley! Its ROLE PLAY!! We don't really want to be with kids!! Heartun seems to get it, why are you having such a hard time with the concept?
Your all just a bunch of pedofiles, acting out your fantasies in the hopes that you actually find a kid you can molest.
I watch DateLine NBC and see how you pervs use the Internet to find your victims. SL is just a better medium than regular chat rooms!
You should all be permabanned!
Role Play my dimpled ass!
The pederasts that one should be concerned about, don't hang around age playing in second life. They walk around places like Disney Magic Kingdom, where they can find real children.
The age players in SL whom I know, are aware that they suffer from a sexual orientation they must not follow.
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Excellent column Heartun :) im posting to show love to Heartun Breaker. Beautiful lady in real life and Second Life. I promise to read your column regularly and come visit us in Ahern often please.