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Tuesday, January 2, 2007 |
What Do I Do With My Profile?
HEY HEARTUN ~ Some people put their real life pictures in their Second Life profiles, most people just say something like 'not your business.' I don't know what to do. Why would they (Lindens) put in a place in the profile for a first life info? ~ PROFILE NOOB
DEAR PROFILE ~ There are are four basic uses for the 1st Life section of the profile, and I've asked someone from each approach to tell us why they do what they do.
- "Another 2nd Life bio page" "I don't want to share my First Life, but I hate how little space the Lindens give us in the 2nd Life section. So why not put some 2nd Life stuff in the 1st Life area? Waste not, want not." ~ ANONYMOUS
"Go Away" "A lot of people put too much judgement on how you look in real life, so to save from all the drama I leave the 1st Life seciton blank. There's enough drama anyway. Why invite it?" ~MELISSA BRANNAN
This is me!" "When I was a reporter in the real world I was in the public eye, so I am confortable with people knowing a little about who I am. I don't give a ton of info, but have a somewhat blurry (and flattering) picture of myself, my age, the city I live in, and my new occupation. I don't give my real name, or any info you could really track me down with. ~HEARTUN BREAKER (ok, I got lazy and interviewed myself. lol)
This is me! (but a lie) "I like role playing so some times I pretend to be someone else in my 1st Life bio. I've been a NASA astronaut playing SL from the International Space Station, a homeless down-and-out former dot-com guru playing on the street from stolen connectivity and electricity routed from an electric traffic signal, and a very fat mother of six who is living off the dole in a Mississippi trailor court. Its just fun. Besides, everyone lies in their bio -- I just do it better than some. ~OUCHQUACK STERN
So, dear Profile, there are no clearly defined rules for the 1st Life bio section. As for what they Lindens intended, I put that question to Second Life Liaison Hermia Linden but she declined to comment. No help there, I'm afraid. Makes you wonder what a liaison really does here in SL, if not answer simple questions like yours, dear Profile. ~HEARTUN BREAKER
If you have a question for "Get a Life" just email HeartunBreaker@gmail.com. All submissions become the property of HeartunBreaker.com. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity and clarity. No 'real' or 'game' names will be published. No part of this service may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Heartun Breaker, except that an individual may download and/ or forward articles via e-mail to a reasonable number of recipients for personal, non-commercial purposes. Labels: SLetiquette |
posted by Heartun Breaker @ 1:54 PM
There is a fifth type (and maybe even a sixth!). #5: My SL name is pretty close to my RL one and it wouldn't be that difficult to work out who I actually am, so I've no problem with being reasonably close to truth on the FL page. #6: I'm*me* whether it is FL, SL or another universe entirely! I have no problem with people knowing what I do IRL and how perverted and wonderful I can be IRL or in SL is all part of the nature of who I am.
I'm nostly a #5 as it happens ...
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There is a fifth type (and maybe even a sixth!).
#5: My SL name is pretty close to my RL one and it wouldn't be that difficult to work out who I actually am, so I've no problem with being reasonably close to truth on the FL page.
#6: I'm*me* whether it is FL, SL or another universe entirely! I have no problem with people knowing what I do IRL and how perverted and wonderful I can be IRL or in SL is all part of the nature of who I am.
I'm nostly a #5 as it happens ...