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Saturday, January 13, 2007 |
USA Today Reviews "Get A Life"
TECH_SPACE Daily Notices on Science and Siliconby Angela Gun Second Life continues to grow up, out, and weird. Now they're big enough to have not only their own crossover celebrities (the would-be-ubiquitous Anshe Chung), they've got their in-world backlash thereof. Those particular flames are fanned most entertainingly by Heartun Breaker, writing for the Second Life Herald. She's not entirely safe for delicate ears, but she is my new favorite advice columnist. (Are there others out there making DMCA jokes? No? Contest over.) Meanwhile, for a less exalted look at what needs putting right in Second Life, Reuters notes that SL has its very own police blotter, available for all the world to peruse. The place may have two million inhabitants, but there's nothing like a public police blotter to give a virtual realm that small-town feeling.

Thank you all for your continued support. Without you I would have to work for a living... and in SL, that means turning tricks at the Barbi Club or playing Tringo until my blood runs Mountain Dew. ~ HEARTUN BREAKER
Click HERE to view the full USA Today article. --
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posted by Heartun Breaker @ 9:00 PM
Awesome! Heartun, this is amazing! You should post a link to the review so we can all view it. Congrats!
Thanks Catero. And I just did at the end of the article.
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Awesome! Heartun, this is amazing! You should post a link to the review so we can all view it. Congrats!