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Monday, February 26, 2007
To Serve (wo)Man

HEY HEARTUN ~ Please, Miss, do not start my letter off with "Hey Heartun." Even when i am not role playing i would never say that. Why i am writing is that i am very subservient and i like strong women. i went to the Isle of Lesbos -- oh, yeah, i am male -- and offered myself to anyone who wanted me as thier servent but no one seemed to take me seriously. Some even accused me of trying to pick up women -- but i'm not looking for sex, just a woman to order me around. ~ AT YOUR SERVICE

DEAR AT YOUR SERVICE ~ Yeah, technically you are not violating the rules there at the Isle of Lesbos. They allow men so long as the men don't hit on women and expect to 'get lucky.' But you picked the Isle of Lesbos! I mean, why not hang out in a Welcome Area or a fishing villiage or a racetrack?

Also, when you say you offered yourself to anyone who wants you -- well, that isn't a great sales technique. You no doubt sounded needy. I'm sure the "Hey, I'm here... lets party!" technique of picking up a fetish partner works fine if you're in a fetish where things are largely equal and there are other people looking for what you've got. Heterosexuals, homosexuals and Furries seem to have a fairly equal volume of compliments -- but the sad truth is that many fetishes do not have equal counterparts.

If you are into pretending to be a big baby, and you like women, you're going to have to stand in line. Like being a sub? Also stand in line -- or be willing to share. Into Scat or Water Sports? There are far more receivers than givers.

What you're doing is a longshot too, although not impossible. You may not be into sex, but you ARE going to an island looking for a woman and you picked a whole island of women who are also looking for women -- not you. Then you went and threw out your appeal broadly (no pun) and probably too soon when you should have just sat there and waited. Of course no one was interested when you said something like "I want to be the slave/servant/sub of any woman here." You were confirming that you are a guy looking for a girl on Lesbos, and trust me -- they've seen that before. Also, when you give someting away for free and offer it to everyone without first raising that thing's value you are devaluing it completely.

I'd recommend that you go elsewhere to look for your Mistress. Failing that, if you are insistant about staying on Lesbos with your quest you should sit there and be quiet -- for a few weeks. Think like a petitioner to a Shaolin temple -- kneel quietly and only speak when spoken to. Watch others for hours. If asked, tell the questioner that you are looking for someone to serve in a non-sexual way. Be ready for rejection, but with patience -- grasshopper -- you could eventually find someone who wants to take you home to clean her windows. ~ HEARTUN BREAKER


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posted by Heartun Breaker @ 9:19 PM  
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