HEY HEARTUN: I met a nice boy that spends time with me and talks with me a lot but every once in a while his typing goes all crazy and he only uses short words, and not many of them. I asked him about it and he said sometimes hanging out with me turns him on so much that he starts playing with himself! EW! I haven't been able to hang out with him since and I can't get that image out of my mind. I am considering killing his friendship and muting him, but we've been good friends for a long time. He keeps trying to IM me about how sorry he is. I dont know... ~ GROSSED OUT
DEAR GROSSED: Men are pigs. I don't think they can help doing stupid things like that. The thing is, he should have kept his secret to himself. He knows it, that's why he's saying he is sorry and isn't stalking you. I am not one of those people who believes that anyone can 'fix' someone else but if this is his first offensive behavior, he has been a good friend, and if you think you can get that image out of your mind (or get used to it) I say you should give him another chance. After an appropriate length of time, say a week, thinking about his error by himeslf. B.F. Skinner would call the cold shoulder act you are giving him right now an 'extinguishing technique' and it is worth a shot. Let him know that if he grosses you out again you will delete and mute him. Then if he does, do it.
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